Tuesday, October 2, 2012

“A” student profile


Source: the teaching professor. Paraphrased from john h. Williams, clarifying grade expectations, august/September, 1993 and Paul Solomon and Annette Nellon, communicating about the behavioral dimensions of grades, February 1996.

5. Attitude: “a” students have a winning attitude. They have both the determination and the self-discipline necessary for success. They do things they have not been told to do.

6. Talent: ”a” students demonstrate a special talent. It may be exceptional intelligence and insight. It may be unusual creativity, organization skills, commitment or some combination. These gifts are evident to the teacher and usually to the other students as well.

7. Effort: ”a” students match their effort to the demands of an assignment.

8. Communications: ”a” student place a high priority on writing and speaking in a manner that conveys clarity and thoughtful organization. Attention is paid to conciseness and completeness.



Results: ”A” students make high grades on test- usually the highest in the class their work is a pleasure to grade.



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