Tuesday, September 11, 2012

50 habits of successful people
(Habits 21-30)
21. They don’t believe in, or wait for fate, destiny, chance or luck to determine or shape their future. They believe in, and are committed to actively and consciously creating their own best life.
22. While many people are reactive, they are proactive. They take action before they have to.
23. They are more effective than most at managing their own emotions. They feel like we all do but they are not slaves to their emotions.
24. They are good communicators and they consciously work at it.
25. They have a plan for their life and they work methodically in turning that plan into a reality. Their life is not a clumsy series of unplanned events and outcomes.
26. Their desire to be exceptional means that they typically do things that most wont. They become exceptional by choice. We are all faced with life shaping decisions almost daily. Successful people make the decisions that most wont and don’t.
27. While many people are pleasured junkies and avoid pain and discomfort at all costs, successful people understand the value and benefits of working through the tough stuff that most would avoid.
28. They have Identify their core values (what is important to them) and they do their best to live a life which is reflected to those values.
29. They have balanced. While they may be financially successful, they know that the terms money and success are not interchangeable. They understand that people who are successful in a financial level only, are not successful at all. Unfortunately we live in a society which teaches that money equals success. Like many other things, money is a tool. It’s certainly not a bad thing but ultimately; Its just another resource. Unfortunately, too many people worship it.
30. They understand the importance of discipline and self-control. They are strong . They are happy to take the road less traveled.

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